We bring God a specific TYPE of joy.

I struggled for years wondering how God can love or even know me personally in a world with 7 billion people. And if He did, why love me when there are so many more people out there that are better than me at my best attributes and skills. I even wanted to be like some of those people over the years in an attempt to be more loved.

The answer finally came in 2017 in a way I can understand: Ricky (2nd born who often wants to be like our oldest, Charlie) brings a very specific TYPE of joy to me that Charlie cannot (and vice versa). Parents, imagine the different texture of joy you have for each of your kids, say, when you see them for the first time in the morning or asleep at night. It saddens us when these comparisons happen even if one child is better at stuff.

God showed me that I bring HIM a very specific type of joy that it is not even possible for another person to bring Him (even if they are bigger, faster, stronger and smarter than me). And His joy increases when I continue to become who He created me to be and diminishes when I try to replicate another person. He also pointed out how my love has actually expanded and grown as we have had 5 children, and I am just a human with limited energy, intellect, capacity, etc... Imagine GOD’S expansion of love for humanity as the population has grown to 7 billion! And imagine His love for each person individually because of the specific type of joy that each person brings Him (that the universe would not be the same without).

My takeaway: just like I want for Ricky - I will believe and receive God’s love for me individually and then be the best me I can without comparing to others for my significance. I also see every person as uniquely special because they are created to bring God a specific type of joy that no one else can replicate (even enemies, homeless, "the forgotten" in prisons, nursing homes, outcasts, etc...).

Go be the best YOU today because God sees you and loves you individually and there is no one else like you ever created. Psalm139; Ephesians2:10; Luke15; Matthew 6:25-34.


Guard Your Heart


How to kill “The Flesh:” Be quiet while being judged.