Guard Your Heart
Proverbs 4:23: "Above all, guard your heart with all diligence for from it flows the springs of life."
Growing up, I used to think this proverb was a caution against what I watched on TV, jokes I laughed at, music I listened to, etc... The "gospels of sin management." I now think this application majors on the minor and minors on the major. For decades, I guarded my "heart" (in the Old Testament, “the heart” is the "control center" for our thoughts, feelings, etc...and "core" of who we are) from "sex, drugs and rock and roll," meanwhile those closest to me gained unchecked access on a daily basis to my "command center." I did the same with them. Often, through our well-meaning advice and opinion, we caused enormous confusion, fear and injury to each other. Only God should be allowed unfettered access to the core of our being.
I have now voluntarily revoked my access to the command centers of other people's lives. I ask them to seek God to confirm or deny my suggestions and advice to them. I have also revoked unfettered access to others into my command center. It is not that they never get to come in, but they can come only when accompanied by Jesus. And if they begin to tinker (or worse) in the command center, they are swiftly escorted out.
I had to learn the voice of Jesus (primarily through prayer, the Bible and people) over the years to effectively "guard" my heart and yet still, on occasion, let unauthorized people in by accident. But because of my long daily times with God, He is able to quickly undo the damage and "reset" my command center.
My heart/core/command center has never been healthier, happier and more free. And sure enough...from it flows springs of fresh water for many to drink.