Larson Family - 2021

December 2021

Dear Friends and Family, 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  The Apostle Paul charged young Timothy to “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness,” and to “Fight the good fight of faith.”  Paul also encouraged the Galatian church to not “grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”  There are no perfect fights fought nor flawless wars waged, but in all things, we can choose fortitude, steadfastness, conviction, determination and faithfulness.  

As you can imagine, these are not the virtues that our children (or any of us!) would naturally choose.  I think the kid’s list would include soda, sugar and screen time.  Nevertheless, our family has begun to reap after many seasons of sowing:

Charlie (14) is experiencing tournament victories in Brazilian Jui-Jitzu (“BJJ”) (and even submitted me even though I outweigh him by 40 pounds!).  He now begs to attend the very gym that he begged me for 5 years not to go to.  On the piano, he is approaching the skill level to play beautiful pieces like Debussy’s Clair de Lune (a truly remarkable payoff, indeed!).  He also now has a few customers for his long-time-coming chicken egg and firewood businesses.  He donated $400 of his profits to an organization that helps imprisoned missionaries around the world.  

Ricky (12) fought a fighter at his last BJJ tournament who was far superior…not once or twice, but four times in one day.  Although he got beat all four times, we were so proud of him.  He gave it his all and suffered through highly uncomfortable sparring positions for long periods of time without giving up (an inspiration to us all!).  Ricky has experienced victory in his studies by applying this determination to ordering and calendaring his rigorous homeschool schedule.  

Eve (10) is more beautiful every year and is the first to volunteer to pray at meals, memorize Bible verses and volunteer feedback during our family worship times.  She applies herself to gymnastics, BJJ, piano, and annoying Liam…and excels at all of them.

Liam (8) is tenderhearted and full of emotion.  When he loses the battle with his emotions, he has become steadfast in asking for forgiveness from his siblings.  He has begun to experience the peace that follows humbly admitting he was wrong.  Liam has grown in his musical abilities as well as fortitude on the BJJ mat after he also was submitted multiple times by a superior fighter last tournament.   

Solomon (6), although very cute, smart and hilarious, is like most 6-year-olds and has not displayed really any fortitude…like at all.  In his last BJJ tournament, he ran off the mat in tears after 2 minutes of flopping around that ended with his opponent riding him like a horse in front of 50 people.  Of course, he was only one popsicle away from his world being put back in order.  Everybody loves Solomon!

Sarah and I are enjoying years of abundance after many years of scarcity.  Years of rest after many years of toil.  Years of peace after years of angst.  Years of marital blessing after years of discord.  Our experience reminds me of the phrase, “The Christian life is what you do when you realize you can do nothing.”  We failed fast and regularly in life but never stopped taking risks or “staying in it and staying soft” when times were tough.  We praise God for the life we are now reaping, and we have launched our family website, to help others navigate this difficult life with peace and joy.  

Many blessings to you and your family this Holiday Season.  May His face shine upon you this upcoming year.  

The Larson Family