Christmas, 2020
Dear Family and Friends,
Merry Christmas and warm wishes to you as we wrap up this doozy of a year! 2020 began with the deadliest virus since the 1918 Spanish Flu followed by severe civil unrest in conjunction with an OPEC-Russia oil price war, all resulting in economic collapse and stock market upheaval. And of course, politics had to have the first and last word of the year beginning with the 3rd ever impeachment of a U.S. president and ending with doubt about the durability of democracy itself. This year proved to be a tidal wave of uncertainty and chaos that lambasted the shores of our families, communities, country and world resulting in worldwide death, economic devastation, hopelessness and fear.
And yet, 2020 was also an invitation to life. Even abundant life. The wisest person in recorded history once wrote, “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart.” (Ecc. 7:2). Festivals are more fun than funerals but not as thought-provoking nor life-changing. When our tectonic plates move in life, we are forced to evaluate the security of our foundation. This is highly uncomfortable and elicits fear. As this happened on a global scale, responses ranged from binge-watching Netflix and hoarding toilet paper to heroic efforts of medical professionals to care for the sick.
For our family, 2020 was a replay of 2016…except this time, we were more prepared. 2016 almost crushed us permanently like 2020 has for so many. It is only by the grace of God that we survived…and then began to flourish and now have become inoculated to living in fear despite the circumstances. Through prayer and His promised indwelling Holy Spirit (Jn. 14), He comforted us in our pain and redeemed every tear. So, as 2020 spins out of control, we continue to live with a “peace that surpasses understanding” that we found only through entering the “house of mourning” in 2016 and many other years. Now, come what may, we know we are in His hands, protected and secure…even in suffering, devastation, or death.
As a family, we enjoyed “doing our part” in 2020 by hosting dozens of outdoor events (birthdays, reunions, church services, a wedding, homeschool groups, etc…) in our new open-air barn and 2-acre backyard that is connected to a 140-acre nature preserve – lots of room to spread out! Our 18-month-long construction, including a swimming pool, was completed just in time to create a space for community and fun for many, after months of isolation. It was a team effort. Randy set up tables, preached and officiated a wedding and Sarah led worship on the piano, coordinated all details and décor while the kid’s served food and cleared dishes…with little aprons on. So cute! 😊
Charlie just turned 13, has grown about 8 inches this year, is a strong leader and is learning time management skills with his demanding homeschool program. Ricky (11) is kind and helpful and fights for “air-time” between two strong personalities. Eve (9) loves to learn, is a reader, intelligent…and we will all probably be working for her someday…or so she hopes. 😊 Liam (7) is fun-loving and a good older brother. He has now joined the older 3 in Jiu jitsu and riding dirt bikes. He is working on self-control of his very wide range of emotions. Solomon (5) is a weird little dude and our last child to have his baby fat. He applies himself and is very driven….when it comes to food. And only food. Sarah is the Queen and radiates beauty in everything she says and does. She is the CEO/COO of our home as we continue to shelter and host friends, family and those in need.
May God redeem your tears and struggle, bless you richly and put wind to your sails in 2021.
Merry Christmas,
The Larson Family