Dear Family and Friends,

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!  For our family, 2018 marked the “fruit” that can only come after the proverbial “seed” dies (John 12:24-25), the “joy in the morning” but only after a long night (Proverbs 30:5)…the muscles built, but only after the ripping and tearing of tissue (say, 2 times a week at our coed “body pump” Golds Gym class!).    

If the word for 2016-17 was “transformation,” I’d say the phrase for 2018 is “new beginnings.”  This is not to say that our family is perfect (far from it!) or that our circumstances have even become easier.  We still have days where my favorite part of the day is the peace and quiet I experience in the 6-second walk to the driver’s seat after strapping Solomon in.  Sometimes I act like my shoe is untied to make it last longer. 😊  

But it is to say that Sarah and I live with a “hope that does not disappoint” (Romans 5:3-5) in a way we did not know was possible before 2016.  There is a permanence, irrevocability and inertia to the hope we now have.  It is not for sale, cannot be intimidated, will not back down, and is gaining speed always no matter what the day brings.  We understand the Apostle Paul’s words when he promised that in life we would be “perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8).  The result of this relentless hope is an impervious joy and a freedom to love all people, even our enemies.  

It has also allowed us to be more present with our kids, employees, clients and friends.  There is more color to life, more laughter.  I especially loved when Charlie asked me the other day, “So, how do you get a girlfriend anyway…just buy a Corvette and play rap music?”  Of course, I said, “Yep!  You’re really getting it, son.  Your mom loves deep-throat rap!”  

As expected, we are no less busy.  Charlie (11), Ricky (9) and Eve (7) are becoming proficient at Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and piano “to build character” and then ride dirt bikes, build forts in the woods behind the house, fish, bird-watch (they have like 9 feeders suction cupped to their bedroom window) for fun.  Liam (5) is a great older brother to Solomon (3) and loves riding his “trick” (normal) bike.  Solomon likes trains, but mostly just to eat.  

In addition to homeschooling the older 3, Sarah has taken up acrylic painting and Cello and continues to counsel many women through a variety of life issues on a daily basis.  I have had a fresh wind in my sails at work and am also enjoying leading and counseling people as well.  Sarah and I are looking forward to breaking ground on an addition to our house that will help serve the many (2,000 last year!) people that visit and/or just come over to share a meal.  The addition should be complete in 1 year.  

Life is good.  Hard, but good.  Our Pastor has a bumper sticker on his car that states: “Love wins.”  This is our banner, our battle-cry.  We have chosen love and forgiveness towards all, including enemies, and are convinced by the happiness we now have that it is the only way (out).  We wish you all the best this Season and upcoming year.  Love, forgive, press on and don’t forget to laugh often.  😊  

Love to you all,

Randy for the family